home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- INCLUDE equates.inc
- INCLUDE instance.inc
- INCLUDE messages.inc
- INCLUDE objects.inc
- IF1
- INCLUDE macros.mac
- INCLUDE objects.mac
- EXTRN sendMsg:NEAR
- PUBLIC getFileName
- ==============================================================================
- Gets name of file to open from one of FileDlg's slave objects and moves it to
- the DTA.
- =============================================================================%
- getFileName PROC NEAR
- push Self
- call getDrive ;Get current drive
- call getPath ;Get current path
- getInst si,ActiveSlave,FileDlg ;Get ptr to active slave obj
- getInst si,TxtPtr,si ;Get ptr to file name string
- gfn1: lodsb ;Get a byte
- mov Bptr[di],al ;Move to destination
- inc di ;Point to next dest byte
- notZero al,gfn1 ;Not end of string? - Loop
- mov al,Bptr[di-2] ;Get 2nd previous byte
- neq al,Space,gfn2 ;Not a space? - Exit
- mov Bptr[di-2],0 ;Else - Overwrite with zero
- gfn2: pop Self
- ret
- getFileName ENDP
- PUBLIC getDrive
- ==============================================================================
- Gets the current or default disk drive.
- Passes: di - Pointer to next available byte in file name buffer
- =============================================================================%
- getDrive PROC NEAR
- lea di,FileName ;Get ptr to file name buffer
- mov ah,19h ;Pass service number
- int DosInt ;DOS interrupt
- add al,41h ;Convert drive# to ASCII
- mov Bptr[di],al ;Set drive
- mov Bptr[di+1],':' ;Colon
- mov Bptr[di+2],'\' ;Slash
- add di,3 ;Account for drive (C:\)
- ret
- getDrive ENDP
- PUBLIC getPath
- ==============================================================================
- Gets the current path.
- Passed: di - Pointer to next available byte in file name buffer
- Passes: di - Pointer to next available byte in file name buffer
- =============================================================================%
- getPath PROC NEAR
- mov ah,47h ;Pass service number
- mov dl,0 ;Use default drive
- mov si,di ;Pass ptr to name buffer
- int DosInt ;DOS interrupt
- jc gpth2 ;Jump if error
- gpth1: lodsb ;Get a byte
- notZero al,gpth1 ;Not end of path? - Loop
- dec si ;Overwrite terminal zero
- eq di,si,gpth3 ;Exit if root directory
- mov di,si ;Return ptr to name buffer
- mov Bptr[di],'\' ;Move backslash to destination
- inc di ;Point to next dest byte
- jmp gpth3
- gpth2: send DosError,Error,ax ;Handle error
- gpth3: ret
- getPath ENDP
- IF Dbug
- PUBLIC ?OpenFile
- ==============================================================================
- Opens the specified file unless it is a subdirectory in which case it moves
- to that subdirectory.
- =============================================================================%
- ?OpenFile PROC NEAR
- setInst FileHdl,Nil,Self,2 ;Clear file handle
- lea dx,FileName ;Pass ptr to file name
- mov al,11000010b ;Pass open mode
- mov ah,3Dh ;Open file service number
- int DosInt ;DOS interrupt
- jc opnf1 ;Jump if error
- setInst FileHdl,ax ;Set file handle
- send File,Read ;Read file
- send FileDlg,Clear ;Clear dialog
- jmp opnf2 ;Exit
- opnf1: call ?ChangeDir ;Change dir if dir selected
- opnf2: ret
- ?OpenFile ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- Changes the current directory to the specified subdirectory.
- Passed: ax - Error code
- =============================================================================%
- ?ChangeDir PROC NEAR
- push ax
- lea dx,FileName ;Pass ptr to file name
- mov ah,3Bh ;Change dir service number
- int DosInt ;DOS interrupt
- pop ax
- jnc chd1 ;Jump if no error encountered
- send DosError,Error,ax ;Handle error
- chd1: setInst ?ReadDir,Nil,Dir,2 ;Must re-read directory
- send Dir,Refresh ;Refresh directory
- send FileDlg,Read ;Handle keyboard/mouse events
- ret
- ?ChangeDir ENDP
- IF Dbug
- PUBLIC readFile
- ==============================================================================
- Opens the specified file.
- =============================================================================%
- readFile PROC NEAR
- getInst bx,FileHdl,Self ;Get file handle
- null bx,rdfl1 ;Null handle? - Exit
- getInst dx,MemSeg ;Get memory segment
- null dx,rdfl1 ;Null segment? - Exit
- push ds
- getInst ax,MemSize ;Get amount of free memory
- mov cl,16 ;Paragraph size
- mul cl ;Calc memory size in byte
- mov cx,ax ;Pass memory size
- mov ds,dx ;Pass data segment
- mov dx,0 ;Pass segment offset
- mov ah,3Fh ;Pass service number
- int DosInt ;DOS interrupt
- pop ds
- jc rdfl2 ;Jump if error
- setInst BytesRead,ax ;Set number of bytes read
- jmp rdfl1 ;Exit
- rdfl2: send DosError,Error,ax ;Handle error
- rdfl1: ret
- readFile ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- Save the program's initial path for future reference.
- =============================================================================%
- saveHomePath PROC NEAR
- call getDrive ;Get current drive
- call getPath ;Get current path
- lea di,HomePath ;Destination buffer addr
- lea si,FileName ;Source addr
- scp1: lodsb ;Get a byte
- mov Bptr[di],al ;Move to destination
- inc di ;Point to next dest byte
- notZero al,scp1 ;Not end of string? - Loop
- mov Bptr[di-2],0 ;Replace last byte with zero
- ret
- saveHomePath ENDP
- PUBLIC getHomePath
- ==============================================================================
- Gets the program's home path.
- Passed: di - Pointer to next available byte in file name buffer
- Passes: di - Pointer to next available byte in file name buffer
- =============================================================================%
- getHomePath PROC NEAR
- lea si,HomePath ;Get addr of start-up path
- ghp1: lodsb ;Get a byte
- mov Bptr[di],al ;Save it
- inc di ;Point to next dest byte
- notZero al,ghp1 ;Loop if not end of path
- mov Bptr[di-1],'\' ;Overwrite zero with backslash
- ret
- getHomePath ENDP
- HomePath DB 64 DUP (0) ;Program's home path name
- defMsg File,\
- Open,\
- <getFileName,,?OpenFile>
- defMsg File,\
- Read,\
- <,,readFile>
- defMsg File,\
- Init,\
- <,,saveHomePath>
- defObj File,\
- <MemMngr>,\
- <MemSize,2,80h,\
- MemSeg,2,Nil,\
- FileHdl,2,Nil,\
- BytesRead,2,Nil>,\
- <Open,Read,Init>